PRP Injections

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections: What Are They and How Do They Work?

If you’ve ever been inconvenienced by an acute or chronic injury, chances are you considered a variety of treatment options to accelerate your recovery. Whether you hurt yourself at the gym or out on the field, it takes time for your body to heal. What if there was a non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical way to speed up recovery time? Regenerative medicine focuses on the body’s natural restorative processes and encompasses therapies that support the healing of tissues and organs. These therapies are intended to give a boost to the body’s own miraculous ability to mend itself. Regenerative medicine is often prescribed to…

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why do i need to see a chiropractor

Why Does One Need to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

In the aftermath of a car crash, injured drivers and passengers are presented with many challenges. From filing an insurance claim to fixing or purchasing a new car, car accidents can lead to serious financial consequences. But what’s more consequential are your injuries and the impact they could have on your health and your future. If you’ve been in a car accident, you should never hesitate to see a doctor or a chiropractor. Chiropractors can help diagnose your injuries and are experts in the treatment of conditions like whiplash. They may also be able to assist with your injury claim…

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Chiropractic treatment for lower back pain

Different Chiropractic Treatments for My Lower Back Pain

The best treatment for your low back pain depends on the source of your back pain. Some patients benefit from chiropractic adjustments or electrical stimulation therapy while others might find relief from pain management injections and physical rehabilitation. Optimum Health Rehab’s diverse array of pain management tools, as well as our comprehensive diagnostic capabilities, set us apart from other chiropractic clinics in Georgia. While we do employ some of the most skilled and highly experienced low back chiropractors in the state, we also offer an array of other physical rehabilitation and wellness services. Those additional capabilities enable us to provide…

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prenatal massage

Is a Prenatal Massage Right for You?

Massage therapy can work wonders on everyday aches and pains. It can also help pregnant women throughout the duration of their pregnancy. Prenatal massages are a great way to relieve tight muscles, cramps and discomfort during pregnancy. If you’re worried about getting a massage while pregnant, keep reading. We’re sharing everything you need to know about prenatal massage and the benefits that come with it. What Is a Prenatal Massage? If you’ve ever had a regular massage, then you already understand the basic routine. Most therapists will have you lie on your back for the first half-hour and then your…

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myofascial therapy

Why You Should Add Myofascial Release Therapy to Your Treatment Plan

From the neck down to the feet, most of us carry some form of tension in our bodies. We might even notice it’s worse in some areas than others. If you’ve tried traditional massage therapy and it hasn’t eased those muscles as much as you had hoped, or the benefits were too short lived, it might be time for you to try a myofascial release massage. This massage therapy technique targets trigger points deep in your muscle tissue that can cause a great deal of pain when stiff and restricted. Let’s break down “myofascial” and what it really means. “Myo”…

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chiropractic care

Reasons Why Chiropractic is Good for Acute and Chronic Injuries

Taking care of your body is one of the most important things you can do, and chiropractic care is one way to maintain optimum health and wellbeing. From a recent sports injury to chronic migraines, chiropractors are trained to relieve pain and ease tension through spinal manipulation and spinal mobilization. The best part? Chiropractors can tailor adjustments to fit your specific needs. Once they know your areas of concern, they can address the problem and propose a treatment plan for you. Chiropractors don't just reactively treat injuries. Many athletes and people who work physically demanding jobs seek out chiropractic treatments…

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hormonal imbalance book

The Truth About Hormones and How They Can Become Imbalanced

Hormonal imbalances can affect men and women at most stages of their life. The endocrine system functions in children just like it does in adults, and this system of nine glands can become imbalanced at any age. (more…)

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man getting subluxation worked on

What Are Subluxations and How Do You Get Them?

Subluxation refers to a vertebra or joint slipping out of its proper position. They’re essentially partial dislocations or misalignments, and they can affect nearly any joint or vertebrae. (more…)

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bowl of fruit for nutritional therapy

What Is the Purpose of Nutritional Therapy?

The purpose of nutritional therapy is to bring about positive health changes through a modified diet. Patients often work with a nutritional therapist after being diagnosed with a chronic condition that can be managed or treated with lifestyle and dietary changes. We also help nutritional therapy patients who have recently learned that diet has a significant impact on psychological challenges like depression or degenerative joint conditions like arthritis. (more…)

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food sensitivity testing blood tube

What Is Food Sensitivity Testing and How Effective Is It?

There are a lot of at-home food sensitivity tests on the market, but their efficacy varies, and results can be compromised by user error. Even if your at-home test suggests you have a food sensitivity, you should still visit a healthcare provider to confirm the results. (more…)

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benefits of water aerobics and swimming great exercise

Water Therapy: How Swimming Can Be a Great Choice in Physical Therapy

Swimming is a popular from of exercise among people of all ages and levels of fitness. Swimming is both a cardiovascular workout and a resistance exercise. It’s comparable to lifting weights but without stressing your bones and joints. But swimming isn’t only a way to burn calories or build lean muscles. People suffering from conditions like physical injuries, arthritis, low back pain or traumatic brain injuries can find much relief from their injury by engaging in aquatic therapy, also known as hydrotherapy. What Is Aquatic Physical Therapy? Aquatic physical therapy takes place in the pool as an alternative to land-based…

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